Monday, June 22, 2009

Define System Profile Values for General Ledger

Set the following profile options at site level unless otherwise specified / required:

  1. HR: Business Group

  2. HR: Security Profile

  3. HR: User Type (responsibility level)

  4. GL: Ledger Name

  5. GL: Data Access Set

  6. MO: Operating Unit

  7. MO: Security Profile

Refer to document 'Define System Profile Values' for detailed explanation on how to proceed.

GL: Data Access Set required only if you have defined Data Access Set

(Document to follow on 'Defining Data Access Set').

Shameem Bauccha

23 June 2009

1 comment:

  1. [...] - Organization ParametersAccounting Key Flexfield - Create Chart of AccountsPersonal LinksDefine System Profile Values for General LedgerSetting up OrganizationsInventory Organization - Customer/Supplier [...]
